Today started off in the EUR going to the Museo della Civilita Romana. Haha, yay, Fascist architecture! Christopher and I spent the entire time calling it Fascist Land and going, "Daddyyy, I want to go to Mussolini's [Magic] Mountain!" And I love that Albert played along, haha. Then was a quick jaunt through the Museo Nazionale dell'Alto Medioevo, where we got to see some amazingly well-preserved opus sectile, essentially ridiculously detailed mosaics.
We met KG and had lunch in a park, where Ashley and I rocked out to the playlist I made yesterday. KG asked me if I was "in Lady Gaga land," ahaha. After lunch, we went to the Montemartini Power Plant where they have a collection from the Capitoline Museums, and it was really interesting to see how they juxtaposed the ancient sculptures with the more modern, industrial space. I'm going to write my next HUM 350 paper about that, I think; I at least like it a lot more than sticking random pieces of really bizarre, abstract, modern art in the Roman Forum. All seriousness aside, then Ashley and I ran around posing like the statues while Ishanee took pictures of us; I'm pretty sure it was the most fun I've had at a museum in a while, LOL.
Anyway, now most of us are just intarwebbing at the AIRC for a bit. OMFG REAL NEWZ: I got my MCAT scores. I'm really torn, because I was planning on retaking it anyway, BUT I did way better than I thought it would, BUT it's still not as high as my original goal. And I OWNED the verbal section, too, ugh. Damn you, science sections! I emailed Chris from TPR, hopefully he'll have some good advice.
So most of us are all getting dinner at some pizza place Vicki's been hyping up later, and then she's determined to get us all to go out dancing so I probs need to head back to the apartments for a quick siesta and shower, haha. Ciao, and much love from Roma!
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