Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tazza d'Oro, Pantheon, Campo di Fiore and the Cults of Mithras and Asclepius

So minus the part where I'm ready to PTFO right now, today has been AWESOME! Vicki and I got up early, went on a R4L adventure, and got cappuccinos at Tazza d'Oro (Albert's favorite place), took jumping pictures in front of the Pantheon, and went to Campo di Fiore where I got dried kiwi and fresh cherries (half a kilo for 2€!), both of which are absolutely delicious. We were running late and had to HAUL ASS to the Mithraeum that the rest of the class was already at, but it was totally worth it. Then I gave my presentation on the Cult of Asclepius on the Tiber Island, and we went to some other Mithraeum near the Colosseum for Royce to fininsh his presentation. The hour-long "discussion" at the AIRC nearly put me to sleep because I was so tired (hey, I still finished both my papers and my presentation by 12:30 last night! But Vicki and I stayed up talking, as per usual, haha), but I'm going to print out my papers now, turn 'em in, and then head back to Via Rasella for a NAAAP. Plus, I'm going to need it if we're pubbing and clubbing tonight ;] Tomorrow's class is about the Renaissance, I think, and a review for HUM 350, but then I get to see Kristin again, for the third time in Europe this year!

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